Category: Event

Chamber Mixer at new Robeks Juice

Chamber members and guests had our latest mixer at the new Robeks Juice location on Foothill in the Home Depot center. Held on the 27th of July, James the manager opened his doors to more than 35 chamber folks as we sampled the many juices and food items available. One of the only juice bars in town, this business is an exciting addition to the many new food locations opening up here in San Fernando, and a great new member of the Chamber. Next time you visit, tell them the Chamber sent you!

SFCCC gets a New Logo!

At our August “Coffee with the Chamber” the board of directors unveiled our new logo. After two tumultuous years the chamber has emerged vibrant, strong, and with a renewed mission to lay the groundwork needed for future business growth in San Fernando, and this new logo helps us communicate that. Board member Rosa Ruvalcaba from Alas Media (pictured), worked with designers to flesh out the artwork colors and general design, and came up with what the board believes will be the anchor of our new corporate identity and public “face”. Rosa and the board believe that any business, the Chamber included, needs to have an identifiable look that helps the company be visually identifiable while inspiring new people to investigate what that company or chamber has to offer. And we are confident this new look fits the bill.

The meeting itself went well, with over 40 people in attendance at Bodevi wine and coffee bar. Our host Jolene Medina served up some of San Fernando’s Finest coffee and treats, while everyone swapped stories, business cards, and got a glimpse of our new look. Thanks to everyone at the chamber who helped make this happen, and we will see you all at our next event!

Board members Nico Cardinas, Ira Heart, Tom Ross, Adriana Gomez, Christina Bernal, and Rosa Ruvalcaba pose with our new logo.

Coffee with the Chamber

Our Coffee with the Chamber event has become a great success. As we began to reorginize after Covid subsided, the Chamber board wanted to increase our visibility and let the local businesses know were here to help. Our Event committee planned a monthly morning event where board members and businesses of all types can meet in a casual atmosphere and discuss all things business. Over the past 6 months we have invited city officials, business leaders and many others to meet our membership and discuss ways to help recover from the Pandemic. Please join us the first Tuesday of every month. Watch our instagram for the flyer because this event moves around town to different Coffee locations!

2022 Installation of Officers

Your San Fernando City Chamber of Commerce recently held our installation of officers for 2022. This installation certified the interim executive board and serving board members who have been working for over two years keeping the chamber active through the Covid Pandemic. This event set the stage for the next 18 months of leadership positions and gave some new members places in our board as well as committees.

Board members being sworn-in by our new Chief Fabian Valdez

Bringing a gravity to the event was the inclusion of the new San Fernando Chief of Police, Fabian Valdez, who officially installed our officers and performed the swearing in ceremony.

The event was held at one of San Fernandos newest restaurant locations, Bodevi, a Wine and coffee bar located on the San Fernando Mall near Brand. This retro 70’s location provided the perfect vibe for our casual installation ceremony.

Below is the list of our newest board members:

President, 7/22 through 12/22: Adriana Gomez, Aszkenazy Development

Incoming President 1/23: Ira Heart, Ira Heart Allstate Insurance Agency

Treasurer, Victor Martinez, Victor Martinex Bookeeping and Accounting

Board Members:

Saul Sandoval, Damon Martin, Rosa Ruvalcaba, Natasha Madarian, Pricilla Estrada, Tom Ross, Christina Bernal

Executive Director, CEO, Jeannette Ross

Membership Lunch a Great Success

Friday February 22nd the chamber hosted the first open Membership Lunch at the Life Center facility here in San Fernando. The event was sponsored by several of our members and included our featured guest speaker California State Senate Majority Leader Bob Hertzberg.

over 50 members and guests were treated to a great lunch by Stonefire Grille in the beautiful main hall of the Life Center. Outfitted with the latest audio and video technology, this room was a showcase for our speakers and guests. Chair of the Government Affairs Committee Tom Ross acted as host for the program, and opened the event with a list of the chambers accomplishments and plans for the future. Key among these is our close relationship with the city of San Fernando and helping to steer the business agenda, the establishment of our Business Explorer post 1911 for educating youth about business, and our involvement in starting the process of forming a Business Improvement District (BID) here in San Fernando.

Chamber President Adriana Gomez spoke about the importance of creating a cohesive business advocacy group through the chamber. As we reach 90 members and growing we are taking seriously the responsibility of business leadership and passing that on to our members encouraging their involvement as well. The future is a bright one if we all are moving forward.

The lineup included short talks from our Mayor Joel Fahardo, and our new City Manager Nick Kimball. Joel pledged his support for the chamber, and the chambers efforts on the BID, and he expressed his optimism that we as a city are moving in the right direction. Our newly appointed City Manger Nick Kimball mentioned that his experience as the finance director of San Fernando along with his over 7 years working in the city gives him great insight and allows him hit the ground running as city Manager. Nick understands the importance of a healthy and diverse business community and has pledged his support for the Chambers efforts. Were glad to have both of these people behind our membership and San Fernando’s businesses.

Members of the SFCCC Board receive recognition from Senate Majority Leader Bob Hertzberg

Senator Hertzberg took the stage and gave us a great talk on the state of our Sacramento government, how it impacts us here, and some key ways he can help us in our efforts. San Fernando is the only city that is completely surrounded by his district. He sees the great possibilities and potential of our city and has recognized the rapid growth of the Chamber as a sign of our maturity as a business community. Sen Hertzberg has already provided over five million dollars in funds for the renovation of our water systems in San Fernando that will allow us to keep our Water Independence. Many in the audience were unaware that San Fernando is the only city in Los Angeles that is not purchasing all its water from the Metropolitan Water District. While we are a customer of MWD, by renovating and modernizing our water infrastructure, we can assure our future independence and reduction of total costs. He also pledged to support the BID efforts to help grow and support the business in town, and looks forward to working with the city staff and Chamber staff on building San Fernando. One of his important projects that will help us in many ways is his commitment to the homeless and helping to find housing and care for those on the streets. He sees this problem as a ‘human” issue, not a political one. Cleaning up our off-ramp leading into town, and the streets and back alleys must involve seeing that those who populate these areas are given an opportunity to transition back into society in a respectful and humane manor. In this way we have more investment in the neighborhood, we have cleaner streets, less crime, healthier conditions, and everyone wins.

After his remarks the Senator took photos and presented the chamber board with certificates of recognition, and spent time with many in the audience discussing their issues. We are truly privileged here in San Fernando to have the attention and interest of one of the states most influential elected officials. We thank him and his staff for being our guests, it was a pleasure!


October Business Roundtable

Last month many of our local businesses met for an informal “Business Roundtable” discussion. As part of our breakfast education series, the chamber wanted to give business a chance to not just sit and listen to a presenter, but to be the presenter themselves. Each person brought with them specific, unique and interesting challenges they have expierenced. Everyone around the table had input to give and advice for each. This forum lent itself to lively discussions that included HR issues, hiring procedures, proper ways to quote customers for contract work, and much more.

This event was so successful that we are planning a followup for 2019 and expand on the format. The more people who attend the more advice, and unique situations we can discuss. This learn-by-doing discussion format becomes a great incubator for new ideas and business relationships. So watch your email for our next event and don’t miss it!!

2017 Candidates Forum

On Thursday February 16th 2016 the two incumbents for city council, the four challenging candidates, and over 100 local businesses and residents met in the grand auditorium of San Fernando Middle School.

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